Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Location-Based Marketing Attracts Customers From Near and Far

You’ve no doubt heard the saying “location is everything.” In today’s social media, this most certainly is the case with the popularity of location-based marketing. Websites such as Facebook, Foursquare, and Gowalla continue to experience tremendous growth as consumers use their smartphones to  “check-in” and share information on their favorite retail outlets and products. Even several major corporations such as AT&T, Kmart, Hewlett-Packard, and SC Johnson have jumped aboard the location-based marketing bandwagon by offering coupons when consumers are in the vicinity of their products.

It is becoming clear to retailers that location-based services is an important key to driving foot traffic among consumers who are in the mindset to make a purchase and the performance of these programs is demonstrating that mobile and location can increase average order value, frequency and loyalty. -Alistar Goodman, CEO of Placecast, San Francisco.

This type of marketing is a win-win situation for both business and consumer. In this day and age of immediate information dissemination, one can “shout out” to their friends and family where they are at any given moment and what they are doing there. Businesses, looking to profit from this phenomenon, can offer discounts and coupons to customers via smartphone in their immediate area. At the same time, customers can share photos and recommendations with their contacts, eventually driving even more business to the company.

Some companies are taking location-based marketing rewards a step further by offering points to customers which they can accumulate to cash in for gift cards to such places as Itunes, Amazon.com, and Target. These incentives have also proved to be quite successful in attracting customers.

If your business is contemplating using location-based marketing, there is no better time to start implementing a program. With many consumers using smartphones to search and label their locations, potential customers are just waiting in the wings to take advantage of offers. Contact us at CheckInPage for more information on how your company can benefit from location-based marketing

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